The work goes on… mentoring in a time of crisis

April 29, 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has left many of us feeling frightened, worried, and overwhelmed. We are all somewhat vulnerable… regardless of age, race, or vocation. But, are we unique in having such fears? In first-century Christianity, there were great challenges to daily practicing one’s faith in Christ. Most people in that era faced remarkable challenges and struggles.

The question for us – as Christians striving to practice our faith during the COVID-19 crisis – is: “What do we place our trust and hope in now?”

This is where the new COVID-edition of Monday Meeting comes in:

Each Monday, Campolo Scholars gather onscreen via Zoom in our respective homes. The scholars and I discuss various topics, focusing on our daily lives, struggles, and spiritual formation. We are so grateful for this technology that allows us to meet together! Tony and I also connect with each of the scholars individually. During these mentoring meetings, Tony guides each student to address their struggles, responds to questions related to Scripture interpretation, and more.

Some might know that for many years, Tony has had the daily habit of practicing the Prayer of Examen and the Lectio Divina. This is an important means of daily practicing one’s trust in Christ. Now, several of the scholars are taking up this commitment. I hope you will be as encouraged as I am by the ongoing spiritual growth of these future leaders of the Church.

In closing, I’d like to offer these words written by the Apostle Paul:

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is, we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” – Romans 1:11-12