Month: April 2019

He is Risen!

April 21, 2019

Today is the day. Sunday has come - He is Risen We have tremendous hope because death has been defeated. Jesus is alive - and the tomb is empty. As part of your celebration, we invite you to listen to Tony Campolo's sermon: "It's Friday, but Sunday's Comin'!" - made available to you for...

The Seven Last Words of Jesus

April 19, 2019

Today is Good Friday. On this solemn day, we remember the seriousness of Jesus' sacrifice for us on the Cross. Every one of Jesus' teachings imparted powerful words of life. But his final words – uttered as he hung dying in physical agony – are especially important for us to consider. If we had been in the crowd that...

A Special Easter Gift

April 4, 2019

We live in a Good Friday world. Some days it seems that everywhere we turn, we encounter grief, suffering, and sorrow. But, as Tony has often said, we can rejoice in the knowledge that Sunday’s comin’! In the weeks ahead, as you and your loved ones prepare to remember the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Chri...