There is so much to do – and we’re trusting God to provide the vision and resources to get it all done! And we’re counting on you to prayerfully and generously join us in this work:
At this time of year, as we celebrate the Advent of Jesus, we remember that God is Emmanuel, “God with us” or, as Eugene Peterson has translated it, “God moved into the neighborhood.”
Here is how your support now will help share the message of this God in our neighborhood:
1) scholarships and mentors for 5 Campolo Scholars each year
2) service-learning opportunities and internships for these Campolo Scholars to work with effective, holistic ministries; and
3) specialized classroom training to give Campolo Scholars the tools to do their jobs well.
So, here is the bottom line: we need strong and vibrant churches to sustain our communities of faith and to bear witness to the Good News of Emmanuel. And we need gifted and well-trained pastors and church leaders to build up the Body of Christ and nurture the Church to fulfill its God-given mission in the world.
Won’t you continue to help Tony and our team with this crucial calling?
Your partnership is key to equipping the next generation of pastors and church leaders to understand and meet the challenges facing the Church in the 21st Century, to revitalize and strengthen local congregations and advance the Kingdom of God.
So, please be generous – and thanks so much for your support of God’s work through EAPE and now through the Campolo Center for Ministry!