Thank you for your ongoing words of encouragement and prayers for my recovery.
I diligently continue physical therapy and am enjoying visits with the Campolo Scholars, family, friends and supporters. Last week I met by Zoom with a group of Anglican educators in the UK to encourage them in their ministry to young people. And I’m working on a new book.
I am most determined to continue to share the good news that, although the contemporary social and political signs may be as dark as “Good Friday,” we all know that “Sunday Is Coming!” Billy Graham said it well when he declared, “I’ve read the Bible and I know how history ends – we win!”
The Church will not limp out of history a battered and beaten body, but will march out of history triumphantly. Jesus is at work in the world, changing it from what it is into what God wants it to be. In the great struggle that is governing the course of history, we are called to be co-laborers in this effort with Christ. The primary instrument through which He does His work is the Church (Ephesians 1.22- 23).
As Robert has shared with you, we have an excellent opportunity with the Drummond family’s $20,000 matching grant offer to expand our work of raising up, guiding, and inspiring young recruits for church vocations! Will you help us to match that gift with a gift of your own? Large or small, it will be welcomed with deep appreciation. Help make this opportunity a joyful success.
It is the leadership of the Church who will determine its effectiveness, and that is a primary reason why we are asking you to invest in future leaders of the church through the Campolo Center for Ministry. You can click here to make a special gift right now. Let’s co-labor together with Christ to empower the young women and men who are in our program to prepare to lead the Church towards its glorious victory.
Thank you for your partnership in this good work.